

Happy Birthday JB!

I know you'll never read this one buddy, but Happy birthday to you JB. You who feel everything so very much, and you who hold yourself to the highest standards of conduct, you who hold your friends so close, and your honor so dear, you who have delt with more tribulations than anyone else i've know, and complained less than anyone i've known, about anything. Most importantly, you who are my friend, and you who has bailed me out of some close ones, remember that 1000 bucks i owe you from keeping me alive in Prague? i still do... eventually i'll pay it back (actually its 940 bucks, i gave you a 20, and a 40, a few summers ago...) and remember when i was completely fucking hammered in canada and tried to pick a fight with that ex-marine, but you stepped in a saved my stupid ass? i don't. but i remember hearing about it. Do you remember all the times when shit was really bad at my house or at your house, and so we took off in one of our shitty old saabs and drove to whereever and drunk driv-eded and got high in corn fields? I sorta do. I'm trying not to get mushy because i know how much you hate this shit, but you've been my best friend, for the longest time, highgate, to australia, to europe, to the barn, to winooski, to Burlington to Olympia, and back and all the places in between, you've been been there for me. either, actually there and drinking with me, or somewhere else, and drinking, but.... i digress.

Happy Birthday JB, here is to 25 more,

Love you,


P.S. No Neck was great last night, a guy dressed only in a 2x4 peice of bubble wrap fell on Todd.

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