

Re-Dub the Christmas Spirit

The remix and the mash up have finally made their way to the furthest depths of popular culture, the Christmas special. Frosty and Ralphy, Burger Meister and Charlie Brown, those mice... that live in that clock, in that one.... These films hold a special place in my heart, a place that is 1 part, "I get to stay up late and watch cartoons!" 1 part, "This means Santa is coming" 1 part, "Christmas Vacation!!!" 1 part, "I drank the eggnoggy, i'm gonna make sicky." and 1 part "a squirt gun that squirts jelly.... This shit is creeping me out..."

First up, the Classic Charlie Brown x-mas, there are tons of over dubs for this one - Most recently, an edit by the cast of Scrubs; then there is the classic "Kwanza"version. This one, however really does it for me, focusing on the end of the movie when Charlie asks what the meaning of Christmas is, i won't give it all way, but one line of Linus's famous response goes:

"When we were babies, our parents made a conscious decision to deceive us. They created a bunch of fairy tales like Santa Claus and baby Jesus to give us kids false hope, and to comfort themselves as they approached death.”

Later they tie Charlie to his tree and burn him in a Pagan ritual. Awesome!

Next up is a remix of the classically terrible Frosty the Snowman. Telling the Frosty tail as a case of a drifter (no pun intended) come to town, and engaging in all sorts of lascivious activities w/ the town children, that later leads to his trial and conviction.... All set to some version of "Come to Daddy" Soooo creepy. About as creepy as the original, actually.

I found a few of these over at 10 Zen Monkeys- he's got a few more that are well worth watching, plus a great article.

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