

A walk through my new apartment

We're on the second floor; so we have this gorgeous entryway/staircase.
That's Jenny's Wandering Jew.

Then up and around to the landing, this is where i keep my "Nerd Nook" and our nice little sitting/reading area with the record player... cozy.

Jenny's cowgirl boots.

Nerd Nook/ Music collection...

Comes a time... when you're driftin'
Comes a time... When you settle down...
Thought i'd sing a little Neil for ya..

At this point little Oldham rolls over from one of his many long naps in front of the fan to see what what going on...

Then there's the the Den/living room; we're still working on getting this one organized; but we've got a basic idea... have you noticed how many windows we have yet? It's so sunny in this apartment, and i've only shown you the North facing side of the house.

Then down around our little hallway, that's our kitchen - it gets really nice light.

Straight ahead and to the left; is Jenny's bathroom - to the right the kitchen.

This is Jenny's bathroom; i have my own off of our bedroom; but she opted for the claw foot tub; i don't blame her.

Yeah kitchen. Yeah Kitchen i can cook in, AND eat in. With 3 windows...

Our apartment is still under construction in small ways... like, how we still don't have gas yet. or a proper counter top...

And then our bedroom; it's mighty spacious; and makes for some wonderful mornings being surround by 3 big windows... i'm going to invest in a blindfold actually. It's JC Penny's favorite room in the house, and Jenny's as well.

As you can see.


jay said...

It is a damn nice apartment...congrats my friend.

Thanks again for having me over last night; I had a great time.

Tanner M. said...

thanks Jay - it was great to have you over; stop in anytime.

Anonymous said...

I like it like it love it.

Crashin' on yr couch if I ever pop back up back in B-town.

Anonymous said...

nice digs

Anonymous said...

i want to come over! invite me over!
